Jujutsu Kaisen !!!

Arthur Yeh
2 min readOct 19, 2020

My opinions about it and some random discussion

This post is not yet refined so the sentences&structures might look sketchy.

I just finished the three anime episodes and, without hesitation, I rushed immediately to the manga. It’s impossible to let me wait on such a good story.I believe this will easily become one of my favorite mangas along Made in Abyss and Ancient Magus’ bride. If you have seen these before you easily can tell the similarities.

The ugliness of the human nature and the presence of supernatural beings exhibiting human-like habits.

Oh and the Anime Opening by Eve is sick too I’m still practicing it will upload a youtube video if I manage to sing it.

Here’re the things I like about Jujutsu Kaisen

  1. The seemingly undefeated power is at the protagonist’s side(note not necessarily the good side) and the anti protagonists were displayed to the audience to be intellectually organizing themselves with a thesis that to me seems too legitimate. In short, swapping the plot(roughly) between protag and antag but keeping the positions.
  2. The meaning behind “only curse can defeat curse”. The picture that came across my mind was: A stops being angry after seeing B being dangerously mad. In this sense the emotions(impulse to hurt someone as curse is target specific)A were feeling kinda didn’t get completely solved but was only receded.
  3. Having the curse spirits be cunning and sly(to the point they’re visibly and “humanly” more logical than the protags. Take the thought process of sukuna in manga chapter 8 ). I’ve also come across this sense of sly in my personal life. The way modern people hurt each other can be substantially more stealthy than before as they have more knowledge about how each other thinks. I’ve personally discovered my habit of hurting others and it doesn’t sound good. (about how I discovered this habit will be another post)

