My blog.

Arthur Yeh
Oct 19, 2020


Hi, you whoever stumble upon my personal space here,

As an Intruder, you shouldn’t expect me to comply or be hospitable towards your purposes and opinions; neither should you secretly observe and unforgivingly hold inference of me as a being. “A land that’s destined to undergo dramatic renovations, owned by a man who’s cursed with knowledge” is how you should confront yourself with as you go through my blog, for now at least.

As for what you will factually witness here is what I would call a creation of lives, by lives: a collection of my thoughts, my experiences, and my words(my life, essentially).

With that being said, I am certain that, in the days to come, you and I will be able to form the bond, which the word frequently regarded word “friend” has desperately been trying to become.





